Location: Private Residence
Dates Visited: Jan 6, 2018
Type: Investigation
Investigators: Adam, Mike, and Michelle
Psychic Impressions: A slight sense of spirit
Personal Experiences: Adam heard a disembodied voice
Physical Evidence:
EVP: We got a voice that either groaned or yawned; the voice of a little girl saying "I'm sleepy" then later in the investigation saying "Sleepy"; Mike got a response when asking the question can you tell me your neame, a man said "No"
Ovilus: None
Spirit Box: None
Photographic: None
Video: None
EMF: None
Location: Private Residence
Dates Visited: Prelim Feb 19, 2018,/ Investigation March 4, 2018
Type: Prelim and Investigation
Investigators: Adam, Mike, and Michelle
Psychic Impressions: Sense of spirit
Personal Experiences: Mike heard disembodied voices
Physical Evidence:
EVP: Two Voices during prelim and during the investigation we got two voices one saying "Hi" the other Mike heard saying "Hey"
Ovilus: Nothing relevant
Spirit Box: None
Photographic: None
Video: None
EMF: None
Location: Private Residence
Dates Visited: Prelim March 12, 2018, / Investigation March 19, 2018
Type: Prelim and Investigation
Investigators: Adam, Mike, and Michelle
Psychic Impressions: A slight sense of spirit
Personal Experiences: Adam heard a disembodied voice
Physical Evidence:
EVP: One voice during prelim saying "Anybody home" and One disembodied voice during investigation saying "Ok"
Ovilus: None
Spirit Box: None
Photographic: None
Video: None
EMF: None
Location: Private residence
Dates Visited: May 25, 2018
Type: Investigation
Investigators: Adam, Mike, and Michelle
Psychic Impressions: Sense of spirit
Personal Experiences: Adam heard someone go shhhhh: All of us including the homeowner heard a drumming as we wandered around the outside of the home.
Physical Evidence:
EVP: Several voices were captured unfortunately they were too low for us to make a definitive determination of what might have been said.
Ovilus: None
Spirit Box: None
Photographic: None
Video: None
EMF: a couple of K2 hits
Location: Cemetery
Dates Visited: June 17, 2018
Type: Investigation
Investigators: Adam, Mike, and Michelle
Psychic Impressions: Sense of spirit
Personal Experiences: Michelle got nauseated towards the end of the investigation. Once we left the cemetery she felt better. This happened right after Mike and Adam saw something move between them.
Physical Evidence:
EVP: None
Ovilus: None
Spirit Box: A couple of voices. One was in direct response to a question Mike had asked: "Did someone move between us?" A male voice said "Yep". a few moments later a female voice said "Hello"
Photographic: None
Video: None
EMF: None
Location: Church
Dates Visited: July 2, 2018
Type: Investigation
Investigators: Adam, Mike, and Michelle
Psychic Impressions: Sense of spirit
Personal Experiences: Adam and Michelle heard a voice coming from the back of the church during the SB--7 sessions.
Physical Evidence:
EVP: Several voices were captured during this investigation. Including that of the little boy, we have come to expect from past investigations. Michelle also caught a voice from a man saying "Die"
Ovilus: This investigation we tried something after getting several words repeated. We shut off the ovilus then turned it back on. After this, we still got several of those same words.
Spirit Box: A couple of voices were heard. When Adam asked: "Do you think we are evil?" a male voice replied "Yeah". We also got a different male voice saying "Hey"
Photographic: None
Video: None
EMF: None
Location: Cemetery
Dates Visited: July 9, 2018
Type: Investigation
Investigators: Adam, Mike, and Michelle
Psychic Impressions: Sense of spirit
Personal Experiences: None
Physical Evidence:
EVP: A voice saying "Hey"
Ovilus: We got the words Ed and Tiny repeated several times. Not sure of relevance but interesting.
Spirit Box: A voice saying "Adam"
Photographic: None
Video: Caught a ball of light moving; Unexplained noise like breathing into the mic of the video camera.
EMF: a couple of hits on the K2
Location: Cemetery
Dates Visited: July 17, 2018
Type: Investigation
Investigators: Adam, Mike, and Michelle
Psychic Impressions: A slight sense of presence
Personal Experiences: Each of us, at some point in the investigation, heard something.
Physical Evidence:
EVP: We got several clips of someone(s) singing. Got a male voice saying "Hey". Twice we caught someone either mumbling or humming.
Ovilus: We got the name Nancy a couple of times which was a name found on a grave during this investigation.
Spirit Box: None
Photographic: An anomaly was taken in a photo.
Video: We did catch the singing once from the camera. We also got a voice which sounds like it says "Be" or perhaps "Bee" which Michelle and Adam heard and thought it was the ovilus at the time. Upon doing more research this voice did not come from the ovilus.
EMF: None
Location: Abandoned Building
Dates Visited: August 6, 2018
Type: Investigation
Investigators: Adam, Mike, and Michelle
Psychic Impressions: Sense of presence
Personal Experiences: Adam Saw movement coming up a hall
Physical Evidence:
EVP: Several low-quality E.V.P.'s which couldn't be accurately made out
Ovilus: Nothing relevant
Spirit Box: None
Photographic: Two pictures with photographic anomalies
Video: None
EMF: None
Location: Private Residence
Dates Visited: August 11, 2018
Type: Investigation
Investigators: Adam, Mike, Michelle
Psychic Impressions: Sense of presence
Personal Experiences: None
Physical Evidence:
EVP: A voice saying "Here kitty kitty kitty" A few others that were not determinable
Ovilus: Nothing relevant
Spirit Box: A voice saying the resident's son's name
Photographic: Anomaly captured in one photo
Video: None
EMF: None
Location: Cemetery
Dates Visited: August 27, 2018
Type: Investigation
Investigators: Adam, Mike, Michelle, and Julio Avilla
Psychic Impressions: Sense of spirit presence
Personal Experiences: Adam saw someone walking.
Physical Evidence:
EVP: We caught a scream which connected back to our first investigation at this location where we caught a similar scream.
Ovilus: Called out the WETM cameraman by name. At a few points, words came up the were relevant to what we were doing.
Spirit Box: None
Photographic: None
Video: None
EMF: None
Location: Lindenwaid Haus
Dates Visited: September 17, 2018
Type: Investigation with WETM 18 News
Investigators: Adam, Michelle, Julio
Psychic Impressions: Sense of spirit
Personal Experiences: In the cellar, Michelle had a pebble thrown at her. Also in the cellar, as we were walking through some hanging dummies moved with some force that was not caused by us.
Physical Evidence:
EVP: Several E.V.P.'s were caught throughout the night. One that likes our idea of a game plan by saying "Perfect". One helped Adam find a room from last year by saying "That's the room with the ceiling fan"
Ovilus: Nothing relevant
Spirit Box: None
Photographic: None
Video: None
EMF: None