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New Updates!

Hello Everyone! I've got a lot of updates for you today four investigations and the news that our first YouTube video will be posted by this evening, hopefully! So let's get right to it.

Investigation 1: Private residence. We got the chance to visit again the home we have been investigating since November. We have come to expect activity from this house and it did not fail to produce this time. We started out at the very nearby cemetery just to see if there was any crossover of activity between the two places. Unfortunately, we didn't get anything that confirmed or debunk this theory, but what we did get was interesting. While at the cemetery, Mike and I were talking and I heard someone go "shhhhh". It was recorded and confirmed on audio. From the cemetery, we moved to the surrounding grounds of the home, because the owner said that it had been Indian land in the past. we wandered out there for a bit heard something we could not totally explain, most notably was what sounded like rhythmic drumming which we did catch on audio recorders. We then went into the home and caught several voices including the little girl we have caught on all of our investigations of this home. Unfortunately for us, all these voices were very low and we could not accurately tell what they might be saying.

Investigation 2: Cemetery. We visited a cemetery we pretty much try to hit each year to see what we can find there. Although on this particular night we didn't get too much. While doing an SB-7 session both Mike and I saw something move between us. We did get a couple of voices on the SB-7. We did have to cut our investigation a bit short due to Michelle getting nauseated during the SB-7 session. She felt better once we left the cemetery.

Investigation 3: The Church. Finally got to go back to our favorite church to do an investigation. The little boy who we've come to expect made his presence known a few times during the night including a time both Michelle and I heard. They were a few other spirits that let us know they were there as well.

Investigation 4: Cemetery. We never know what is going to happen at this particular location. Some nights it can be busy with activity and other nights it can be if you'll pardon the pun, dead. This is the video you can watch on YouTube. We caught a ball of light moving around. upon review, we tried to debunk it as a bug but couldn't. we saw bugs in other parts of the video and could tell that they were bugs this was definitely a light source. I will work on doing a clip of this video once I can work out some issues with the video editing software. We also got a hit on the SB-7 a male voice saying "Adam" and just before that there is a voice saying "Hey".

Hopefully, you will enjoy our new venture into Youtube. Please hit subscribe to let us know and you will also be informed when new videos are posted!

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